Who We Are

Who We Are


Charity Trustees

Charity Trustees are volunteers who are responsible for the governance and strategy of the charity. They are responsible for making sure that the charity is administered effectively and can account for its activities and outcomes to OSCR, funders and members.

You must become member of Advocating Together and be able to get on well with people; being prepared to work in a team.

Our governance is made up of the following Charity Trustees:

Bill Robertson Chairperson
Gemma Matthew Treasurer
Cathy Dyer Charity Trustee
Kris Stevenson Charity Trustee
Royce Barton Charity Trustee
Susan Buell Charity Trustee



Vicky Scott

Vicky Scott

Team Support Manager
Gillian Kelly

Gillian Kelly

Advocacy Worker



advocators-logo We employ a team of Advocators who are adults with learning disabilities and/or autistic spectrum disorder who are on supported permitted employment.

They are commissioned by the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership to be the voice of learning disability and autism.

A big part of their job is collective advocacy, they are members of the Aitegether4Change group.


Communication Champions

cc-logo The Communication Champion Project aims to raise awareness of communication difficulties and advocacy.

We have a team of volunteer Communication Champions who are supported to raise awareness of communication issues. They are curious communicators (quality checkers) for Keep Safe and public places.

A big part of their job is collective advocacy, they are members of the Aitegether4Change group.



volunteers-logo We are also supported by a great team of Volunteers who generously give up their time to make sure advocacy continues to grow in Dundee.